Power Up Safely with UN/DOT 38.3 Certification
Did you know that UN/DOT 38.3 sets the gold standard for lithium battery safety?
But what exactly does UN/DOT 38.3 entail?
Let’s take a closer look at the rigorous tests that ensure your batteries are up to par:
Test T.1: Altitude Testing
This test simulates air transportation under low-pressure conditions. Air shipments subject batteries to major pressure changes, making this test essential for safe air transport.
Test T.2: Thermal Testing
Assesses cell and battery seal integrity and internal electrical connections with rapid and extreme temperature changes. Batteries must function safely across different climates and weather conditions, which this test confirms through controlled temperature cycles.
Test T.3: Vibration Testing
Simulates vibration occurring during transportation.
Test T.4: Shock Testing
Assesses the robustness of cells and batteries against cumulative shocks. Repeated impacts occur during normal shipping and handling – this test shows that safety features remain intact after multiple shocks.
Test T.5: External Short Circuit Testing
Simulates an external short circuit.
Test T.6: Impact/Crush Testing
Simulates mechanical abuse from an impact or crush that may result in an internal short circuit. The test identifies whether internal safety mechanisms continue working after severe physical stress.
Test T.7: Overcharge Testing
Evaluates the ability of a rechargeable battery or a single cell rechargeable battery to withstand an overcharge condition.
Test T.8: Forced Discharge Testing
Evaluates the ability of a primary or a rechargeable cell to withstand a forced discharge condition.
These combined tests show how batteries perform in both typical and extreme situations.
Batteries evaluated and verified to UN/DOT 38.3 are marked with the LC Verified Mark and listed in the LC Products Directory
Transportation Testing of Lithium Metal and Lithium Batteries Services
Manufacturers and consumers alike can benefit from testing and certifying their products according to these standards with a knowledgeable and trustworthy Testing and Certification Body, LabTest Certification is an ISO 17025 accredited Testing Laboratory, accredited by an ILAC Signatory member, for testing to UN 38.3. Our testing examines both immediate safety needs and long-term battery performance requirements.
LabTest offers Testing & Certification services, to national and international standards, for Batteries cells, packs, and modules. Electrical Safety, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Environmental Testing, Durability, Life Cycle Analysis, Transportation, as well as Preliminary Design Review.
For additional information on Transportation Testing for Lithium Metal and Lithium Batteries or to receive a quotation, please contact LabTest Certification Inc. at info@labtestcert.com or Call Us toll free at 1-855-346-0444, or visit https://labtestcert.com/un38-3/.