When Professionals Run Into Problems With EMC Test Software Validation, This Is What They Do
Interested in knowing what software validation testing is?
Verification that the test software behaves within the design parameters is accomplished through a validation/verification (V/V) procedure.
This software V/V process is basically the compilation of information to create a meaningful body of evidence (confidence) that the test software behaves within the designed parameters, as well as documentation of the results.
Typically, this will include a manual analysis of the test software formulas, documented evidence that the test values have been set correctly.
A software-based V/V process can be as elementary as a record of a test case and its conclusions, which is a reference for audits.
The rigorous nature of your V/V process could also be recreated by trying to create all possible scenarios and documenting the results.
Of course, no matter how much you test your software, 100% reliability is not practicable and may be impossible to achieve.
Software has been a part of almost every aspect of our lives for some time now.
We can find it in much equipment in our homes, in our cars, our cell phones, and so on. We find it in our televisions, speakers, light switches, and so on. It is everywhere, so resisting the incorporation of software into our lives is tremendously difficult.
That’s why it’s probably no coincidence that the negative numbers of incidents involving software malfunctions have increased exponentially in recent years.
Not surprisingly, these statistics have served as a catalyst for improvement changes in the industry, such as the use of Quality Management Systems (QMS), which highlight what the software is capable of doing, within a test environment.
It can also be added that the cost of software incidents themselves have a strong economic impact.
Growing awareness of the drawbacks of undesirable software and the repercussions of poor software design has driven advances in the accuracy of software validation requirements.
Such as those found in the 2017 ISO 17025, testing and calibration laboratories, section 7.11.
There have always been requirements in ISO 17025 for software validation to ensure that it meets testing requirements for accuracy, range, repeatability, etc.
This whole situation ended up increasing the awareness of the software approval requirements in the standard because of the increasing inconveniences related to software malfunctioning.
How do you know if your test software is really behaving as you think it should?
A simple way to gather the necessary information is to get in touch with the experts in the field.
LabTest Certification is an accredited Certification, Testing, and Inspection Body who can help you validate
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