Companies that are committed to quality and safety work hard to earn their certifications. They fulfill specific performance and assurance tests so you can trust your product is safe even if it’s a low-cost, quick-to market item.

Product certification is a sign of quality and safety. It means that products have passed specific performance and testing, affirming their commitment to the consumer. The availability of low-cost quick products makes it more important than ever for product certification to be available in order to set themselves apart from competitors as one who upholds high standards in quality assurance tests.

Product Testing and Certification

Do your products need testing and certification?

Our product tests and test marks are evidence of our high quality standards. Product certificates confirm that products meet criteria, which in turn ensures safety.

To make our products stand out and assure customers of their quality, we offer a product certificate that declares the safety-relevant aspects they meet. This assures buyers of its high quality in signal with test marks on every single item.

If you have products that need testing and certification LabTest is your one-stop solution for all of your needs.

Product Testing and Certification

Marine Equipment
Solar Collector
EMC – Electromagnetic
Energy Star
Hazardous Locations
IECEE EMC Schemetesting & certification
Field Evaluation
Special Inspections to SPE 1000
Gas & Solid Fuel
CE Marking
International Approvals


Quality Management Systems

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